Talks on themes that are at the intersection of music and other fields of knowledge, especially psychology and neuroscience.
Innovative interventions to improve children’s performance in mathematics: from music to digital games
04.11.2024 | Flávia Heloísa Santos | University College London
Creating digital musical instruments for performance in different contexts
07.10.2024 | Marcelo Wanderley | McGill University, Montreal
The Influence of Music on the Perception of Choreographic Movements: Neurophysiological Findings
05.08.2024 | Maercio Maia | Universidade Federal do ABC
Musical interaction in performances with computational agents
01.07.2024 | William Teixeira | Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
Communal music and mental health in children: a research proposal
03.06.2024 | Mayron Piccolo | Department of Psychology, Harvard University
Variations in large-scale brain networks as the genesis of individual differences in creativity
15.04.2024 | Matheus Henrique Ferreira | Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de São Paulo
Sequence processing in music predicts reading skills in young readers
18.03.2024 | Paulo Estevão Andrade | Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths, University of London
Music and movement from an evolutionary perspective
13.11.2023 | Pedro Neto | University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Physical and mental well-being as ingredients for successful artistic performance
16.10.2023 | Liliana Araújo | McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Empirical aesthetics of the singing voice: why do we prefer one voice to another?
18.09.2023 | Camila Bruder | Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Transcranial direct current stimulation over the supplementary motor area: Changes in groove perception but not in rhythm reproduction
10.07.2023 | Marina Emerick | University of Western Ontario, Canada
Neuroplasticity and music training: evidences and controversies
19.06.2023 | Deborah Wanderley | Orquestra Sinfônica do Estado de São Paulo & Northestern University, Boston, USA
Musical participation, positive youth development, and well-being in middle school
24.04.2023 | Beatriz Ilari | University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
Music and language: Revisiting Darwin’s musical protolanguage
27.03.2023 | Analía Arévalo | Universidade de São Paulo
Drugs and music: a complex interplay
07.11.2022 | Dartiu Xavier da Silveira | UNIFESP
Rethinking the experience of products and services through sounds and music
10.10.2022 | Felipe Reinoso Carvalho | Universidade de Los Andes, Colombia
Recognizing spatiotemporal patterns in human auditory cortex response to music
15.08.2022 | Julie Hellen Weingartner | Instituto D’Or
Harmonic expression in a stylistic frame
11.07.2022 | Mauro Orsini Windholz | Princeton University
Individual differences in musical abilities: the role of music training and personality.
13.06.2022 | Ana Isabel Correia | Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Composition, cognition, and culture: listening, meaning, and creative processes in music
11.04.2022 | Guilherme Bertissolo | Universidade Federal da Bahia
Neuroplasticity and rehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease using rhythmic auditory stimulation
14.03.2022 | Tamine Capato | Universidade de São Paulo & Radboud Univeristy, Holland
Rhythm perception through the lens of Music Cognition
08.11.2021 | Letícia Dias de Lima | Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
Auditory perception and absolute pitch: behavioral, electrophysiological, and neuroanatomical correlates
04.10.2021 | Carlos Alberto Leite Filho | Universidade de São Paulo
Samba in the brain: perception of varying synchrony between beats in samba percussion
09.08.2021 | Annerose Engel | Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences – Leipzig
Music-induced emotions and visuospatial working memory: A psychophysiological study
12.07.2021 | Fabiana Ribeiro | University of Luxembourg
Emotion expression in speech and singing
14.06.2021 | Gláucia Laís Salomão | Stockholm University
Music and well-being in times of pandemic
19.04.2021 | João Quadros | Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
Musical experience and the ability to recognize emotions
22.03.2021 | César Lima | Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Better ears with eyes open: effects of unconscious visual stimulation on auditory learning
09.11.2020| Milton Augusto Vendramini de Ávila | USP Ribeirão Preto
Music therapy and music cognition in elderly
05.10.2020 | Claudia Zanini | UFG
Effects of tDCS on musical skills
10.08.2020 | Maria Clotilde Henriques Tavares | UnB
Music, experiment and experimentalism
13.07.2020 | Fernando Iazzetta | USP
Psychoacoustic models as a tool for musical analysis: An approach using audio descriptors
08.06.2020 | Micael Antunes | UNICAMP
A proposal of a musical larynx: Implications for studies in cognition
11.05.2020 | Beatriz Raposo de Medeiros | USP
Analysis and recognition of cognitive patterns of musicians and non-musicians through EEG
13.04.2020 | Estela Ribeiro | Centro Universitário FEI
Experimental aesthetics: Why do we like or dislike a work of art?
18.11.2019 | Hernando Borges Neves Filho | Imagine Tecnologia Comportamental
Perception of asymmetric rhythms in traditional Greek music
07.10.2019 | Marcelo Queiroz | USP
Musical meaning in the dynamical paradigm of cognition
23.09.2019 | Luís Felipe Oliveira | UFMS
Acoustics and Psychoacoustics: How sounds become music?
15.07.2019 | Rebeca Bayeh | Concordia University, Montreal
Aleatory arts in music
10.06.2019 | Adolfo Maia Jr | UNICAMP
The neurobiology of absolute pitch
22.04.2019 | Raphael Bender Chagas Leite | UFRN
Creative processes and technological mediation in music cognition research
21.03.2019 | Jônatas Manzolli | UNICAMP
Associations between numerical magnitude and pitch processing
12.11.2018 | Marília Nunes-Silva | UEMG
Mental representations of melodic perception
08.10.2018 | Pedro de Alcântara Senra de Oliveira Neto | UNICAMP
Associations between cognitive|linguistic skills and music perception in children
17.09.2018 | Guilherme Alves Delmolin de Oliveira | UFABC
Vocal improvisations, entrainment and prosociality in child musicians
06.08.2018 | Beatriz Ilari | University of Southern California
Translational research: how the interplay between basic and clinical research is relevant to the field of Music
04.06.2018 | Thenille Braun Janzen | University of Toronto
Musical timing and segmentation
09.04.2018 | Marcos Mesquita | UNESP
Assessing music perception in young children: Evidence for the M|Factor
12.03.2018 | Hugo Cogo Moreira | UNIFESP
Focal dystonia task specific in musicians in Brazil
27.11.2017 | Rita de Cássia dos Reis Moura | FMU
Autobiographical memories evoked by music
30.10.2017 | José Davison da Silva Junior | IFPE
What is absolute about absolute pitch?
24.07.2017 | Nayana di Giuseppe Germano | UNESP
Music and language: A transdisciplinary approach
26.06.2017 | Diana Santiago | UFBA
Cognitive biases in the evaluation of musical performances
24.04.2017 | Graziela Bortz | UNESP
Neural processing of musical emotions
27.03.2017 | Frederico Graeff | USP-Ribeirão Preto
The statistical brain and the samba beat
07.11.2016 | Antonio Galves | USP
Verbal correlates of timbre perception: A research on orchestral sonorities
03.10.2016 | Ivan Eiji Simurra | USP
Minds, machines, and music
01.08.2016 | José Fornari | UNICAMP
The evolution of human cognition through the perspective of music cognition: An archaeological survey
18.07.2016 | Fernando Najman | USP
Music and autism: A neuroscientific approach
13.06.2016 | Viviane Louro | UNIFESP
Can musical training modulate the perception of faces? Results of an investigation with Event Related Potentials.
04.04.2016 | Viviane Rocha | Mackenzie Presbyterian University
Music, acoustic and neurocognition: A case study of importance to interdisciplinarity
29.02.2016 | Fabio Leão Figueiredo | UFRB
A form in musical sounds: The construction of musical semantics based on neuroscientific and enactionist research
30.11.2015 | Marcos Nogueira | UFRJ
Bioacoustics: Biological basis of bird calls and their possible relations with human musical behaviour
29.10.2015 | Maria Luisa da Silva | UFPA
Covert attention in formally trained musicians
28.09.2015 | Felipe Viegas Rodrigues | UNOESTE
Music and mental imagery in the modulation of moods
27.07.2015 | Eliseth Leão | IIEP Albert Einstein Hospital
Difficulties in vocal perception and production and its consequences in the working memory for melodies
29.06.2015 | Mariana Werke |UNIFESP
Musical rhythm from the perspective of recent models of perception and cognition
01.06.2015 | Pedro Paulo Köhler |USP
Music as a tool to evaluate and intervene in language abilities
27.04.2015 | Paulo Estevão Andrade | Colégio Criativo, Marília, SP
Reflections on music and neuroscience
30.03.2015 | Ronald Ranvaud | USP