NEUROMÚSICA UFABC is an interdisciplinary group dedicated to the study of musical behavior and cognition from the perspective of cognitive psychology and neuroscience.


Our goal is to disseminate knowledge and stimulate research in the field of ​​music cognition to understand better how we perceive, memorize, imagine, create, and respond emotionally and aesthetically to music. We also aim to investigate socio-emotional, cognitive, and therapeutic effects derived from the use of music in different contexts, as well as the neural and cognitive mechanisms underlying such effects. Last but not least, we seek to bridge scientific findings with musical practice and teaching.

The group was created in 2015 at the Interdisciplinary Unit for Applied Neuroscience (NINA) at Universidade Federal do ABC.



SAVE THE DATE: From July 21 to 25, 2025, the Neuromúsica UFABC Group, in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Cognition and Musical Arts (ABCM), Mackenzie Presbyterian University, and the Campos do Jordão Festival, will host the 18th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition. More information here.

Upcoming talks: 2025
Click here for details about this activity. 

Click here for details about this activity.


Neuroscience and Music at UFABC is on YouTube. Subscribe and receive notifications when a new video is uploaded.